The property comprises of a three storey refurbished office building of framed construction, clad in brick withUPVC double glazed windows and a profile curved steel clad roof.
The property is available to lease as a whole or can be subdivided to accommodate requirements from approximately 500 sq ft or above.
The current Ratable Value of the property is £191,000, plus VAT.
The EPC rating for the property is D. Full certificate available on request.
Ground 8,252 SQ FT | 766.6 SQ M
First 8,293 SQ FT | 770.4 SQ M
Second 8,272 SQ FT | 768.6 SQ M
TOTAL 24,817 SQ FT | 2,305.6 SQ M
Prices and rental are exclusive of VAT if chargeable.
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The property is located off Waddington Street, and is on the edge of Oldham Town Centre, just off Featherstall Road roundabout. The premises are just off the A627, which provides access to Oldham Town Centre, which is approximately quarter of a mile to the South East and to the A627M, one mile to the North West. Nearby facilities include Aldi and Tesco supermarkets and B & M Bargains.
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